This right here is the crowned jewel of the collection. WHAT THE HECK IS IT? It doesn't photograph so well, but what it is, clearly, is a blue hand holding a blue cornucopia. And it is maybe a vase. Or a shot glass. I'm not really sure.
I love this thing! I love it more every time I see it. I did not know it existed and did not buy it on purpose, but it is amazing. And it begs many great questions.
What made someone decide to create this piece? Was it originally part of a set? Am I missing a foot kicking a turkey, a knee squishing a squash, and an elbow balancing a pilgrim hat? Because I'm pretty sure it would be in a Thanksgiving themed set. And WHAT IS IT? Vase? Shot glass? Seriously, someone tell me which thing it is. I don't drink alcohol much, so that probably makes it a vase by default.
On the subject of birds (see how I did that? turkey in the last paragraph?), this is also a fun find. Dad says they're coincidentally made from the same pink glass, but I think these were made of the same material because they actually go together. I don't know if the duck drinks from the glass or if the contents from the glass are supposed to be poured into the duck (the body comes apart from the nest), but it seems like it might be something fun like that. These, along with creepyish cornucopia hand are now in a display case. How could they not be?
This is something I bought on purpose. It's an M&M dispenser! Often used to improve upon the already awesomeness of an ice cream cone, or just for a stand alone snack, the dispenser disappeared long ago. I feared it was broken. But it showed up! And I am so very happy to have it, although it's going to have to stay out of the reach of little hands. At least Emmy's M&M dispenser requires coins to make it work. I think Emmy and Gweny could drain this thing in a day. Easily.
These are super awesome figures that I really wanted to have. I played with a lot of them growing up, and others I just looked at a lot. There were other figures, too, but they disappeared. But at least I got these. (Is what I have to tell myself to not be so crabby about the whole ordeal. Not that it works entirely.)
These had already been unpacked, but since they were bought at the auction, I thought I'd mention them. These pull toys were stored up above a cabinet, but Grandma got them down and let me play with them. The girls are now playing with them, so they live in some wooden doll house shelves. Theoretically. Actually, they're spread out around the floor, easy to trip on, and sometimes can be found having "time out" in the closet. Also, Gwen and Emmy insist that the cows, rabbits, ram, and sheep often eat with us. When I got them, Dad asked me if I was going to let the girls play with them. Looks like I didn't actually have much choice.
This vase was also something I really wanted to get. Grandma and Grandpa kept change in it on their dresser. Every Easter, they would divide it up for all the grandkids. When I was older, Grandma let me count and sort it. It was a huge honor at the time, although looking back, it was maybe more of Grandma not wanting to deal with it herself. After all, most of the coins were pennies and it did keep me busy for most of an afternoon.
Some of the things I ended up with, I don't know what to do with. I didn't need this pitcher. It's pretty, and my favorite color, but first of all, I usally use plastic pitchers because I'm terrifyed of dropping glass. Secondly, it's covered in bamboo. And it doesn't come off! How am I supposed to wash it? I'm pretty sure it can't go in a dishwasher. So, pretty pitcher. Not entirely convienient.
Betty did, however, suggest having themed parties to deal with this exact problem. So, someday I may have a bamboo party or a nonwashable pitcher party, and this will be the centerpiece. At least we have that to look forward to, right? Start looking for your accessories now so you'll be ready, too!
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