Recently we noticed that mice (ew) had been
getting into the garage (yuck). Adam started leaving out mousetraps every
night, and after catching nearly a dozen in the first few days, the mortality
rate has mostly slowed down.
But not before we noticed that the mice had also
been getting into the car (disgusting), which wasn’t even in the garage due to
Grandma’s old furniture still being stored inside. Did you know mice like
ranch? Yeah, it’s true. They chewed through a couple old ranch containers from
McDonalds that had fallen under the seat and completely licked the ranch out.
They didn’t touch the sweet and sour or barbeque, though. Why would they need
to eat the ranch, with three children worth of dropped snacks hidden under car
seats? Well, mice are greedy and obnoxious, so they ate the ranch, tastiest of
all non-ketchup dips, and then they still ate the gram cracker chunks, lost
cheerios, and bits of froot loops. And they left evidence of having been in and
around all three car seats.