Thursday, March 27, 2014

In case you were interested........

I don't know how many people know or care, but I wanted to give interested people a chance to follow how our move is going.

Yep! That's what we've been up to for awhile now. About a year ago, Dad and his sisters started talking about what to do with Grandma's house, since she's no longer living there. Grandma and Grandpa Luebbe built the house in the 70s, and the original house that Dad grew up in was moved to Goehner (it was not on the market when we moved to Goehner, but part of me was hoping it would be). I've always loved Grandma and Grandpa's house and I spent a lot of time growing up there.

So when the vote was to sell (after selling everything inside), we had to make some choices and look for some solutions. Dad knew this was important to me and Mom eventually okayed it, and they've helped us find a way to make it work. Hopefully.

Honestly, it's beyond our budget. We will likely go bankrupt in the next year trying to pay for it while trying to sell our current house, which we are still paying off. And my parents are technically buying the home and having us rent-to-own, so we will likely drag them down with us. It's terrifying, stressful, and sometimes I wonder what we're thinking.

But here's the deal. If we were ever going to buy it, the time is now. It's still got my Granparents' essence in it, as well as their decorative choices. Losing that was hard for me to accept. Plus, there's more room for the girls and more storage (we have so very little), and that's hard to resist. So we're going to do this, and I may regret it (we all may regret it) in a year or two, but I'm going to hope for the best, and maybe you can all hope with me.

It has not happened the way I wanted it to (don't start me on the auctions) or at the time I wanted it to (I didn't want to do this until long after Grandma was gone), but when the opportunity is there, it just has to happen. I keep reminding myself of the wisdom of the Rolling Stones.

"You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need."

(And let's assume that moving is what we need, and keeping Grandma's estate intact until after her passing would be what I wanted.)

So join us here as we do the stupidest thing we've ever done, and cheer us on so that it works out okay. I'll update as much as possible. Love and good wishes are always appreciated, but so are volunteers! Yep. Begging already.


  1. it will be tough but you guys will manage. some simple words that have got me through some of the things ive gone after knowing i prob should yet apply here as well. "where there is a will there is a way". sounds like you got family support as well so i believe you will not only make it happen, but you will, through this blog prove to others that sometimes the impossible can happen if you try hard enough

  2. Good luck to you and your family! How could something you care this deeply about not work out?! I applaud you for having the courage to take this step!

  3. I am so pleased! I've been wondering what was happening to the farm house but didn't want to pry. It is truly comforting to me that this dear place will remain in Luebbe/Janda hands, with all those decades of love, generosity and hospitality. Long before you and your cousins arrived on the scene, this house was a lively gathering place for Mehuron/Luebbe Thanksgivings, Easters, Christmases, not to mention the famous summer visits of the "town cousins" (that would be my sister Kate and me) to the farm cousins: Diane and Jim. Then, sometime in the summer, the visit would reverse: Diane would come to stay with us for a week. Lots of memories I can unpack at will. Once you and family are moved in please post a lot of pictures. I can still see the house in my mind, with the various rooms. And you are so right: so much storage space especially downstairs. Cheers to you and your Mom and Dad for taking the leap and making this happen: it will turn out alright because it is the absolute right thing to do! Cheers! Tam Mehuron
