Don’t tell my mom, but I’m allergic to bunnies.
I’ve actually known that for a while. And really,
I’m mostly allergic to their food (timothy hay) and their loose fur. And the
dust they create.
So as we’ve been packing at home and preparing to
move, we’ve had a very important rule: If Adam is going to pack things near the
rabbits (which I can’t do, due to said allergies), it needs to be at night so I
can bath and go upstairs to bed right away.
Well, a few days ago, Adam forgot our rule. He’s
out of school now, so he’s home all day. While the girls were doing afternoon
nap, I was sitting by the TV, sorting papers. I didn’t pay attention to what
Adam was doing, until I started sneezing and rubbing my very itchy eyes.
It turned out that Adam had been using that time
to clean and pack by the bunnies, and he neglected to mention it to me so that
I could leave the room. So I went to the bathroom, took a bath, washed my face,
changed my clothes, and…… Nothing. Still sneezing. Still rubbing some very red,
itchy eyes. So I left the house for the evening, since it was skate night
anyway. At the skating rink, people were very concerned that I had been crying.
Or doing something not legal that I don’t ever do, which they know. And I was
still rubbing my eyes and sneezing.
The next day, we had to go to Lincoln for Adam’s
Bright Lights class. And we spent the whole day out of the house. Didn’t help
at all. Still had terrible allergies.
On Saturday, we went into town for lunch, got
groceries, and played in the park. Still didn’t help make things better.
Also, maybe it’s okay to be optimistic, because we
finished unloading things before the rain started, and after the rain, we saw a
beautiful rainbow out the picture window. We can call that a good sign, right?
I hope so.
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