Since we’re doing a lot of work at the new house
and the girls enjoy playing over there, plus there’s so much more room to play,
we set up our pools on the patio.
Yep. Plural. We have more than one pool.
Really, should that surprise anyone?
Actually, we’ve had a small plastic pool for a few
years. Last year, Adam cracked it on the bottom. It has duct tape covering the
crack now and does not seem to be leaking. But it may not have much time left
on it. And we thought it would be good to have a “calm” pool for Agatha and a
more wild pool for Emaline and Gwendalyn. Plus, three girls don’t fit into one
small pool without a little territorial arguing.

So we got an additional pool, and it has gone over
well. Agatha splashes wildly in her pool and tries to drink the water and eat
the pool toys. Emmy loves to go down slides and squirt water everywhere. Gwen
likes dumping water out of the pool with scoops and buckets. And they like it
when we can join in. Like with water squirters and buckets. We like it, too.
Gwen handed me a scoop and said, “Here, you use this because I love you.” An
invitation to dump water on someone? No problem. I can do that. Meanwhile, Emmy
was squirting water in the air and telling Adam, “I sprayed myself with water
and I didn’t even shout.”
I think the pools are working out pretty well so
far. Now, if only we could get Agatha to stop sipping the pool water. I mean,
it’s “clean”, but not necessarily clean.
But try explaining that distinction to a stubborn eleven month old.
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