Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Different Day, Different Garden

Believe it or not, there are iris flowers somewhere here, under all these corn stalks and dead leaves, among the volunteer trees whose days are numbered. (Unless anyone wants to transplant and adopt some.....?) (No idea what they are. Unless "Obnoxious" is a new tree type.)

I took a break from the driveway to work on this tonight. I didn't have much time, so I cleared a little bit by the front/back door and then got to work on this.

I did find quite a few little flowers trying to come up. But it's been really hard since clearing out the middle of the flower bed would require a longer rake or stepping onto the little plants popping up. Not entirely sure how I'm going to do it. I think it may take a few years of practice to really work out a system. Must be why Grandma was so good at it!

By the way, this garden sits by the old driveway. The driveway actually loops around, but it hasn't been used that way for awhile. My uncle and cousins still drive it from time to time, but that's about it. We may start using it more, but the sewer is underground right by the road and nothing heavy should go over it. We'll figure something out.

So this garden currently looks like a big mess, right? Because it is right now. Back in its heyday, it was really pretty and even served as the back drop to a nice family picture the summer after sixth grade. This was a hard flower bed for Grandma to manage, though, the last couple of years due to its size and depth. And I am already feeling the vastness of this space.

In the event that it gets cleaned out, though, the iris and the peonies by the sidewalk (vaguely in the background) should provide us with plenty of flowers for Memorial Day. My goal is to get this all cleared out soon to make that happen. Wish me luck!

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